Monday, June 22, 2009

Progress is being made, I Think

Well I do believe that we are making a bit of progress. I now have the permits in place to get the shop started. Now I am waiting for the cement contractors to come and level the ground and pour the pad. It will be quite a bit smaller than origninally plannned but I guess that just kind of goes with the times we are living in right now.

I am looking forward to seeing the beginnings of the work so that I know that it is really happening. The fibre processing equipment is getting packed up and ready to be transported back here the first of August. I just can't wait to get busy and start running my fibre through myself. I will also be able to do some work for others so they may also have small quantity lots done how they would like it done. People will be able to contact me regarding getting their wool or alpaca etc done at

We once again, did not shear the alpacas on Sunday. We had a rain storm go through overnight and all the girls were outside and were therefore soaking wet. Much as I really need to get these girls done, we needed that rain soooo badly that I just could not feel bad.

We will try again next Sunday to get the first lot done. Bob has agreed to try and help me do a couple of them in the evenings if we can. I know that they will not look as nice as when Tracy (our shearer) comes and does them, but it is getting on in the year once again and they have to be done. There is just no way she can do all of them in one day.

The Red Deer Public Market is busy once again this summer. We go there every Saturday morning and set up our tents and show our wares. LOL I have my handmade soaps and soy candles. We take our alpaca roving and yarns from the farm. We also have handwoven blankets and of course the alpaca socks and wool and wool blend socks. The alpaca teddy bears, bunnies, horses and kangaroos and the stuffies are always a big hit with the children and adults alike. They can be seen on our website This website is still a work in progress but you can see the items there. I see they still don't have it accessible for purchases as of yet but you can purchase through the other site at There is a few of my things on there, but most still is not listed. You can always contact me if you have any questions and I would be more than happy contact you.

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Follow us through the building of our shop and business of soapmaking, candles, and fibre processing